25 octobre 2023

Results of the Shareholders Meeting of Iceland Seafood International hf. on October 24th, 2023

Shareholders Meeting of Iceland Seafood International hf. was held on October 24th, 2023, at Hilton Reykjavik Nordica, Suðurlandsbraut 2, 108 Reykjavík, Iceland.  

1. Election of five Board members and one alternate member

The following candidates declared their candidature for the Board of Directors:

  • Bergþór Baldvinsson
  • Birna Einarsdóttir
  • Halldór Leifsson
  • Ingunn Agnes Kro
  • Jakob Valgeir Flosason


  • Guðmundur Kristjánsson

According to the Articles of Association of the Company, the Board of Directors shall be comprised of 5 members and up to two alternate members. Consequently, the above candidates were elected to the Board of Directors without ballot at the meeting.  


2. Amendments to the Company’s Articles of Associations


  1. Authorization to the Board of Directors to increase the Company’s share capital in one or more stages by up to ISK 200.000.000 nominal value and a corresponding amendment to the Company’s Articles of Association

The Board proposal was approved.

3. Other business

Bjarni Ármannsson the CEO, addressed the meeting.  In his statement Bjarni gave a short briefing of his time as a CEO of the Company and welcomed the new board and CEO.

The new Board of Directors met post the Shareholders Meeting to assign roles and responsibilities, where Birna Einarsdóttir was elected as a Chairman of the Board. Birna Einarsdóttir, Halldór Leifsson and Jakob Valgeir Flosason will sit on the Remuneration Committee and Bergþór Baldvinsson and Ingunn Agnes Kro will sit on the Audit Committee.  

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